
Comprehension is the understanding and interpretation of what is read.

According to research, the following strategies will improve comprehension:

-Monitor comprehension. Teach your child to identify what the difficulty is (What does the author mean when they say, ".....?"_ Teach them to identify where the difficulty takes place (What parapgraph or sentence?)

-Use graphic organizers. They help children focus on text structure as they read, help visually represent relationships in a text, and help children write organized summaries of a text.

-Question-Answer. Ask your child questions that are text explicit (stated explicitly in one sentence), text implicit (implied by information found in two or more sentences), and scriptal (not found in the text - involve experience and background knowledge).

-Generate Questions. Teach children to ask their own questions.They become aware of whether they can answer the question and if they understand the text. 

-Summarize. Your child should be able to tell the main idea of the story and pull supporting details from the text. 



How can you help at home?

At home activities:

Books for modeling comprehension strategies: